Tery Gilliam’s »Tideland«

Brilliant. Just brilliant. I’ve been longing for just one good film for so long now and here it is. I’ve been watching Gilliam’s »Brothers Grimm« recently which was one of the »not too bad« movies that I’ve watched so many of in the last time and I expected that »Tideland« would be better but I didn’t expect it to be THIS better. So this is a movie about a young girl with a fantastic imagination, who happened to be born into an American white-trash hill-billy surrounding. You start wondering if it isn’t little odd that this young girl is preparing the shots for her father’s »little vacations« but this is one of the least odd things about to happen. Everyone’s a freak, some are nice and some are not.

This is an elaborated, fantastic, sick, wonderful hell of a film. Watch it.

Collage – Gustav Meyrink’s »The Golem«


Yiha, I just ran a backup prog and read about this work that I’ve done as a present for a friend’s birthday in 2006 in the program’s logfile. I always adored Meyrink’s book almost as much for his gorgeous description of Prague as for the mystical parts.

I rarely do collages but this one’s one of the few I was satisfied with in the end (the pic above is just a detail, click it for the whole work).

Illustration Friday – Wave’s Not Dead

Wave's not dead

Okay, this is my first submission for Illustration Friday and it’s not finished but I want to submit it anyway because I always wanted to take part in Illustration Friday and today it’s now or never.

This is also my first digital image ever that I have done with a Graphic Tablet. I’m totally not used to it but it’s fun on the other hand.

Since I’m not that old I don’t really remember the 80’s prober but one of the few things I like about them would be the Punk/Wave/Gothic movement. Though I don’t listen to that music I kinda like the visual style (which totally sucked aside from that in the 80’s).

Der Stier in der Fischfabrik 2

Der Stier in der Fischfabrik

Irgendwie bin ich natürlich wieder voll nicht dazu gekomen mich weiter mit diesem Seminar zu beschäftigen und aus irgendwelchen Gründen ist der Herr dann nach Neujahr plötzlich sehr viel jünger geworden als er vorher war aber das bieg ich schon noch alles wieder hin.

Ich hab irgendwie so das Gefühl noch nicht so wirklich zum Kern dieser Geschichte vorgedrungen zu sein: Dieser »Stier«-Typ versteckt sich halt über Jahre mit dem Raucher zusammen auf so einem Fischfangschiff (wo sie auch arbeiten), weil sie beide was zu verbergen haben und hängen die ganze Zeit miteinander rum und nichts passiert auf engstem Raum. Und irgendwann bringt der Stier den Raucher um. Und ich muss sowohl noch diese Schiffsatmosphere besser hinkriegen als auch diese Situation, daß der Stier halt so ein ruhiger, behebiger Kerl ist in dessen tiefsten Innern es aber wahrscheinlich (auch wenn es ihm selbst nicht bewusst ist) die ganze Zeit voll am brodeln ist. Und das entläd sich dann irgendwann alt.

Das Ganze beruht übrigens auf einer Krimi-Mini-Kurzgeschichte von Roger M. Fiedler, die in irgendeiner deutschen Tagesteitung erschienen ist. Ähm. Übrigens anscheinend einer der ganz wenigen guten, die es da so gab.

»You Are What You Do« / »fadime«

So, jetzt auch noch mal ganz offiziell: Nach langem hin und her und vorbereiten gibt es jetzt hier jeweils eine kleine Seite für mein erstes Projekt im Haupstudium und mein Vordiplom (aus der Nennung in dieser Reihenfolge lässt sich durchaus mein persönlicher Favourit erkennen, allerdings eher vom Gesamtergebnis als vom Thema/Inhalt her).

Die gibt’s dann jetzt in der tollen Link-Leiste rechts (wie schön wär das, wenn man die sortieren könnte…) und hier direkt:

»You Are What You Do«


Außerdem gibt’s (auch seit langem geplant) endlich »rotierende« Bilder mit den jeweiligen Links im Header. Juhuu-Java-Script. Wenn es mir jetzt noch gelingen würde, den Blognamen wieder oben einzubauen wär alles perfekt. Aber WordPress will nicht.

Rate that movie!

criticker.com is not the movie-version of last.fm I always dreamed of, the layout/design is totally ugly and the navigation really sucks but it’s still better than a similar German site I discovered recently.

So, I’m gonna go with this, of course they don’t have too many of my favourite films (only the first movie from the »A Chinese Ghost Story«-Trilogy) and some films have strange names (like »Tetsuo – The Iron Man« is »The Ironman«, who will recognice it with that title?).

Anyway, here’s my (ugly) profile

»Gwoemul« / »The Host«

Man, this rocks.

»The Host« is much better than »Renaissance« or »Death Note« (which pretty much sucked either way) or anything else I’ve watched recently. And it is of course in no way compareable to any stupid American monster-movie like the US-remake of »Godzilla« for example. I really liked that it was a drama more than a monster movie most of the time and in the parts where it was a monster movie it was just wonderful archaic one, the heroes not fighting the monster with an army and tanks but with bows, mollotows and spears.

The CGI was pretty good (except for the fire-effect), or rather – considering that it had that much screen time – it was pretty awesome. One of the very few CGI characters that really felt real (nice to compare it with Ryuk from the »Death Note«-movie which is perfectly the other extreme: the lame animation was the last straw that broke the movie’s back).

And again: I totally adore they way of South Korean movie soundtracks just like »Sympathy for Lady Vengeance« for example »The Host« has a solid yet beautiful orchestrated, melancholy soundtrack with lots of solemn string arrangements.

Now for the bad news, Universal has bought the rights for a remake. Just like every other fan of Asian cinema I so much hate them for »stealing« the good ideas and making lots of money with it instead if supporting the original by pushing it in the US with a big theatrical release. »Shall we dansu?« is such a wonderful, warmhearted Japanese movie and expcept for some freaks like me no one knows it but a lots of stupid people know the crappy remake Richard Gere with Jennifer Lopez (I had the pleasure of being forced to kinda watch it during a flight. Gross.).

Who’s in betting that they will change the ending concerning someone NOT dying in the end?

Anyway, a really good watch, I liked the characters, the story, the CGI, the music even the ending! And that did not happen to me very often in the last year.

EDIT: I don’t believe it: »The Host« is getting a German theatrical release on March, 15th. On the other hand, they announced Jet Li’s »Fearless« and Terry Gilliam’s »Tideland« for 2006 and as far as I know we are still waiting for both of them.

»Hör den Wind in Deinem Gesicht…«

Mein aktuelles »Wir veranstalten komische Sachen mit unserer Gesichtsbehaarung«-Experiment ist ja unkontrollierter Kotelettenwuchs (auch eins der bescheuertsten Wörter überhaupt, wikipedia schlägt immerhin »Backenbart« als Alternative vor, was es meiner Meinung nach nicht ganz trifft aber wunderbar altmodisch klingt).

Viel zu sehen ist nach meinem eigenen Empfinden bisher nicht, sie werden zwar immer länger aber nicht wirklich buschiger. Allerdings gibt es einen anderen, recht kranken Nebeneffekt: man kann beim Fahrradfahren den Wind in ihnen rauschen hören…

Audrey Lyrics/Transcription – »Vague« (from »Visible Forms«)

Okay, I got the first Audrey album »Visible Forms« for christmas and it turned our to be one of the best albums of the year. Though I am very happy that it’s a wonderful digipack (except for the typagraphy which kind of ruins it by being not as »handmade« as the beautiful graphics) there are no lyrics included. And I seem to be unable to find them on the net. I tried to make a transcription of the track »Vague« becauce it’s my favourite for now but I don’t seem to be to good in doing this kind of stuff. I know that probably no one will ever read this but if someone has the lyrics or corrections on this, please be so kind and leave a comment.

»It’s in the dark,
Be quiet,
Be quiet.

We(?) will recognice you in the dark.
Be quiet,
Be quiet.

It’s in the dark,

Freezing to death.
Be quiet,
Be quiet.

Bending arms(?), twisting them together.
That’s you…(ah?), …feeling inside out(?)/feed it inside up(?).
Catch me if you can.
Truth …last … sure and stay
In the palm of my hand.

Have you heard Oskar?
He looks on the walls,
He talks like a harp,
He’s open air(?).
We’re freezing to death.

It’s in the dark,
Be quiet,
Be quiet.

Have you heard Oskar?
He walks(?) on the walls,
He talks like a harp,
He’s open air(?).
We’re freezing to death.

It’s in the dark,
be quiet,
be quiet.

Have you heard Oskar?
He walks (?) on the walls,
He talks like a harp,

Be quiet.«