Drawing Day 2008

I’ve been drawing on Drawing Day!

Drawing Day 2008
The view out of E.s window.

Drawing Day 2008
A scibble for a poster I might be doing on »Kielholen« (careen, keelhaul)…

Drawing Day 2008
… and another one for the pirates.

Drawing Day 2008
We’ve been at our favourite Dürüm-place in Taksim.

Drawing Day 2008
I have one of these brush pens, I really like it but for some reason I rarely use it. I drawed what I thought that you would typically draw with these kind of pens on one of the papers they serve the food on at that place.

Drawing Day 2008
Of course one of the millions of cats here in Istanbul wanted to have something from our food. She looked so poor that she got a piece or two. ^__^

Drawing Day 2008
E. drew my portrait. I have the pen in the right hand because I am already finished with the drawing, she explained (I draw with my left hand, usually). And I seem to be quite happy about what I drew. ^__^

Drawing Day 2008
We visited friends of E. in Kadiköy, they have a very nice flat. This is the view from their balcony (and some people from the ferry…).

Drawing Day 2008
The ferry back and scribbles at a Pide place in Taksim in the late evening.

Indivisual 08 – Die Welt liegt uns zu Füßen

Früher hat ich ja immer keine Zeit aber jetzt gibt’s endlich mal auch einen Beitrag von mir für unser schönes Hochschulmagazin das Indivsual. Das diesjährige Thema lautet »Mit freundlichen Grüßen« und ich hab mal was globalisierungskritisches zum Thema weltumspannende Warenflüsse gemacht. Und obwohl ich nicht so wirklich auf sie steh gibt’s dann ein Fanta4-Zitat im Titel. Bietet sich ja an, ne? Juhu:

Die Welt liegt uns zu Füßen
Die Welt liegt uns zu Füßen