Illustation: Adventure Time Artists

Here are twothree of the artists who put their sparkling creativity into the awesome Adventure Time:

Thomas and Peter Herpich:

and Natasha Allegri of gender bending fame (who was also responsible for the Mathematical Marceline/Princess Bubblegum lesbian love suggestion thingy. And we can’t have that, because, you know, if you show kids that being gay is totally fine they ALL BECOME GAY INSTANTLY.


Not to forget Pendleton Ward but he seems only doing the FB/Twitter both of which I’m not really a fan. Not that I am a tumblr fan, o no, but at least you can link to that shit (but no comments, soooooo stupid). Okay, his TwitPic is … um, ….

Howto: Change color profile on wake/resume in Linux Mint/Ubuntu

I’m trying out Linix Mint 14 on my Macbook Pro at the moment and while it is a huge step from my previous visits to the Linux world a few years ago there a still some issues. One was that the color-profile was set to default every time resumed the computer from sleep. But I’ve found a way around that:

First, install xcalib, a nice little program that can load color-profiles via xcalib PATH or /usr/bin/xcalib PATH in the terminal (xcalib -c resets the profile) and do a lot of other stuff.

Now place a script in /etc/pm/sleep.d/ that runs this line on wake/resume (see here for details). The problem is that the skript doesn’t get executed as it is because you have to specify the display and sudo the whole thing.

So the script in /etc/pm/sleep.d/ should look like this:

case "$1" in
        export DISPLAY=:0
        su -c - YOUR_USERNAME
        /usr/bin/xcalib "PATH_TO_PROFILE"
exit $?

Anyway, that’s working for me.

Review: Origin: Spirits of the Past

A few days ago I thought about watching Summer Wars again, which I quite liked and then gave Origin (what an exceptionally pointless name, even for a movie title which tend to be awful anyway) a try instead (can’t figure out the connection now, might just be IMDB’s „people also liked“-function). And since it’s produced by Gonzo, the people who brought us the fantastic all-female lead Last Exile: Fam the Silver Wing, I thought this might be worth watching.

But I was wrong. While the the movie has an interesting setting (a post-apocalyptic-world, who would not like that?) and some nice ideas like the people turning into trees, plus two cool female characters, the mayor(ess?) of the town and the soldier lady, the story wasn’t too surprising or original and the character-design ranges from cliche to ridiculous (the armor! -_____-).

My main problem was the ending, I was positively surprised by – SPOILER ALERT! – Agito dying at 3/4 of the movie and I thought this would finally be the time when there’s some character development in Toola. This would have been the chance to make her a strong person, going back to the town alone and setting things right, learning to come to terms with this new world and the forest. The volcano could have waited a little with erupting so she could get down the mountain (how is a moving volcano supposed to work anyway, that makes no sense). What an awesome twist that would have been: main character sacrifices himself so the sidekick can finish the quest? Nice one! It would also been a good reversal of the „sidekick/lover dies in the end to awake righteous anger in the main character“-trope.

But no, male main character comes back from the dead (ffs …) and mysterious sidekick from the past can keep on being saved and passive (aside from some random running around alone in dangerous places) like she did the whole fucking movie, except for when she decided to go with the bad, bad industrial people (which wasn’t a decision really, because they’d probably taken her by force anyway) and for three minutes Agita was dead (where she only did what he told her to do). So, so disappointing. And what was this scene with „women are allowed to wave at each other after being encouraged by males to do so“ in the end? Creepy!

So, sadly, don’t bother with this one. Fam the Silver Wing is nice though. But beware of the eastern European girl with the strange one curl anime-haircut. She actually might have been the main reason for me not to watched that ’til the end.

Animation: Fursy Teyssier

Heute ein kleiner Linkdump der Filme von Fursy Teyssier:

Tir Nan Og war der Film, über den ich auf Teyssier gekommen bin. Nette Geschichte, sehr gut gemacht.

Deathless scheint einer der Filme in der Pipeline von Little Dude Films (argh …) zu sein. Sehr minimalistischer Teaser aber handwerklich auch der Hammer. Ich geh’ mach nicht davon aus, dass es um Koshei, the Deathless geht.

Red Shadows ist der jüngste Streich, wie immer vom Stil her atemberaubend, ich hab’ allerdings ein bisschen die Befürchtung, dass das in Gewaltporno ausarten könnte.

Ohne Kommentar #1: Orks sind keine Nazis

In letzter Zeit passiert es des Öftereren, dass ich schon geschriebene Kommentare nicht posten kann (manchmal wg. Noscript/Gostery etc. aber auch, weil ich keine Lust habe, der jeweiligen Seite Zugriff auf meinen Twitter-Account zu geben oder ähnliche alberne Login-Prozederes durchzustehen). Deswegen gibt es einige dieser Kommentare jetzt hier, Trackbacks, tut eure Pflicht!

Den Anfang macht ein merkwürdiger Artikel auf Direkte Aktion einem Blog, das ich früher stärker frenquentiert habe, weil es einigermaßen links ist und sich gegen Nazis, Atomkraft etc. ausspricht. Dann erschien ein recht unreflektierter und fahrlässiger Artikel, der Avatar, Harry Potter und HdR als Anti-Nazi-Filme auflistet:*

Ich kann zu den meisten Filmen wenig sagen (Avatar?** Harry Potter?*** … aua, aua, aua) aber Herr der Ringe ist – wenn überhaupt irgendwas – rassistisch. Die Filme (und Bücher) erzählen – überspitzt formuliert – die Geschichte von einem Haufen weißer Männer**** hust Ariern hust, die ihr Land gegen die (russisch-kommunistischen? asiatischen/arabischen?) Horden aus dem Osten verteidigen. Die Bücher sind zwischen 1937 bis 1949 geschrieben worden, d.h. Tolkien könnte vom Kampf gegen die Nazis beeinflusst worden sein, in der Geschichte kommt das aber nirgends zum Ausdruck.

Continue reading Ohne Kommentar #1: Orks sind keine Nazis