
ACAB. Siehe auch. Und hier. Bedauerliche Einzelfälle!

Hey, auch Knorkator sich nicht zu schade für rassistische Albencover, wer hätte das gedacht?! Und bei der Entschuldigungbeim Derailing reitet er sich dann fröhlich weiter in die Scheiße. Woher kommt mir das nochmal bekannt vor? Ach ja, auch andere „Linke“ machen das gerne mal. (Via)

Jeez, look at all the whitewashed Sword & Sworcery fan-art. It’s so sad.

The Nerds of Color beschäftigen sich kritisch mit Rasse, Repräsentation und Diversität bei Superhelden(-verfilmungen) und Popkultur.

Wer mitbekommen hat dass Plastik gerne mal nicht ganz ungiftig ist, wird sicher wenig erstaunt darüber sein, dass das auch für Sextoys gilt. Ich will garnicht über Kontaktlinsen nachdenken …

Music Player: Clementine

I can’t actually remember why I dumped iTunes/Songbird in favor of Enqueue in the first place (no monitored folders?) but I have now ditched that again for Clementine, which is unbelievable ugly (it’s based on Amarok, so I guess it’s KDE’s bad influence?) but has everything you could ever want, like global shortcuts via Mac Media Keys (if you free them from Itunes’ grip) Growl-support, good Gnome/Cinnamon integration, … And it’s open source, cross-plattform etc.!

Ubuntu/Gnome: Left-Handed Mouse & Right-Handed Touchpad

I’m running Linux Mint (14/15) on a Macbook and while (for mind-boggling reasons) all is well when running the system live from an memory stick once I install the OS and set up the mouse to be left-handed the touchpad becomes unusable because it is switced to left-handed as well (so tab-click becomes secondary-click which is obviously bullshit). After a lot of unsuccessful fiddling with synclient I recently found a way to solve this problem for Cinnamon/Gnome.

Install/open dconfig-editor (there’s also the gconfig-editor and maybe another one but these don’t have the entry we need)

Search (Ctrl+f)  for touchpad and change the value of left-handed to right.

Restart the session and enjoy!

Get back ctrl-arrow keys shortcut to switch to the beginning/end of a line in OSX

Longest post title ever.

I’m currently trying out OSX 10.9. I’m coming from 10.6.8 and one of the many annoying little things is that Ctrl-left/right arrow is now used to jump between Spaces/fullscreen apps (which I don’t use) and therefore you can’t use it to jump to the beginning or end of a line of text (in a text editor, e-mail, Firefox bar) anymore. I actually tried to get accustomed to the other shortcut you can use to jump to the beginning and end of a line Ctrl-a/e but that is not really a shortcut that works that well.

But: you can turn off the switching of Spaces with Ctrl-arrow keys in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Mission Control (these are on-the-fly translations from a German OS) and tadaaa: welcome back old shortcut.

Another little annoyance gone. There isn’t anything in 10.9 that I like better then 10.6.8, though. If it turns out that battery life really is longer I might stay with 10.9.

P.S.: Another little thing: three finger-swipe to go back and forth between websites in Firefox (and Safari?) turned into two finger-swipe.

Syncinc local files á la Dropbox with Synkron

I while ago I found Synkron, a nifty syncing tool which was almost perfect for my podcast listening setup: I’m downloading podcasts with the great open source player Miro (I’m using the 3.5 version, newer versions are strange and cluttered to a point where I find it almost unusable) and I’m then using Synkron to sync the Miro folder via USB to my phone (I tried to figure out doing this via wi-fi but that’s a mess).

The problem was that whenever I deleted a file on the computer or the phone but not on the other device by default Synkron would copy it back from the respectively other device, so it was more or less impossible to delete a file (in reality you’d of course know most of the times which podcasts you already listened too but stil …).

The solution is as follows:

Click the „Advanced“ button on the bottom left corner in Synkron and tick „Detect collusions“. Tadaa! Now, if you delete a file on the phone, next time Synkron will delete it on the computer and vice versa.

EDIT: For some reason Syncron skips all the files it is supposed to sync in the Linux/Ubuntu-Version, but Unison does the job, it seems.

The Racial Bechdel Test

My father pointed out this cool PoC focused version of the Bechdel test to me:

1. There must be more than one character of color
2. At least two characters of color must have a conversation
3. The conversation has to be about something other than a white person

– The Racial Bechdel Test

Sadly there’s not a lot going on there right now, but I’ll keep the RBT in mind and maybe submit some movies.

And since this is what I do I would propose another variant, the Racial Bechdel Test 2.0, which would be:

Are there at least to WoC that talk about something other then a (white) man?

So let’s have some fun and do all these tests random things like

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