A tree on a hill

A black and white sketch of a bendy tree with round canopy on a round hill.

Here’s something a bit different from my usual #style from the #archive: A nice bendy #tree #sketch 🎉

I like it how you can’t tell of those things are tiny #clouds or part of the #canopy #floating around ^__^

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #drawing #pencil #BlackAndWhite #landscape #nature

Cosmic Cow

Vector drawing in dark greens and blues of a night-scene with a highland cow on a small peninsular. The cow's reflection in the water reflects the milky way in the sky above. There's a crow sittig on the cow's back but in the reflection it is somehow in flight.

„Cosmic Cow“, first #illustration of the new year 🎉

A magic #cow and it’s time-bending #crow-companion enjoying the night on Harris ^__^

I like #HighlandCows a lot, they’re so chill and cool. This was probably inspired by John Maher’s night photography of the #OuterHebrides:


#JfmlArt #art #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #inkscape #landscape #milkyway #astronomy #photography #birds #animals #fantasy #mystery #scotland #harris #blue

How to batch-convert videos with ffmpeg including all audio and subtitles

Since I spend quite a bit of time tinkering with this I though it might be interesting to others.

The following can be executed on a folder with a bunch of videos which ffmpeg will convert including all audio and subtitle streams and put in a subfolder (not very) originally called „Done“ (not sure if you need to create that folder or if ffmpeg will do that*):

for i in *.*; do ffmpeg -hwaccel_output_format cuda -i "$i" -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a? -map 0:s? -c:v hevc_nvenc -b:v 2000k -preset slow -c:a aac -b:a 128k -c:s copy "Done/${i%.*}.mkv"; done

All the for i in for the batch-conversion is way above my tiny „I can’t learn programming“ brain and is taken from this StackExchange thread (among other things I can’t find now). You could do *.mp4 or *.mkv if you only want those types of videos to be converted.

-hwaccel_output_format cuda and -c:v hevc_nvenc? tells ffmpeg to use the GPU with Cuda (so will probably only work with NVIDIA) and use HEVC (x265) as the video-codec.

The interesting bits are -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a? -map 0:s? which selects all video(?), audio streams and subtitles. I was using -map 0 before but this sometimes created empty video or audio streams which caused all video players I tried to crash (except for good old VLC who did not care). Not ideal.

-c:v and -c:a select the audio and video codecs (c = codec) with slow preset in this case, whereas

-b:v and -b:a tells ffmpeg the bitrate (b = bitrate).

-c:s copy copies the subtitles.

* Edit: You do need to have a folder withe name you specify there in the folder where you run the script. If someone knows how to automate that I’d be happy to hear how ^__^

The Peninsular

Digital drawing of a night scene: A person is standing on top of a cliff looking down at the ocean and a peninsular with a tower on it. The moon is full and there are towering anime clouds in the background.

Hello ^__^ I realised I never posted the finished version of these sketches (1), so here it is!

I’m not super happy with the colours and the outlines but it was a nice, very meditative experiment ✨

(1) https://mastodon.art/@jfml/110695867856903358

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #Krita #painting #landscape #beach #ocean #clouds #fantasy #night #moon #magic #witch #bird #seagull #travel

Nach der Zeit – Cityscape

A nightly streetscene with old houses that are partly submerged in water. In the distance two reed moons and a cloud kinda form a monster's face

Hej ^__^

Here’s another #illustration from my #diploma (1),which I like a lot, I feel like this #cityscape harkens back to my prediploma (2) which was a reaction to my #erasmus #studenexchange in #Istanbul (which was very good but as a lover #nature it was a strange experience).

(1) https://jfml.eu/2009/09/illustration-nach-der-zeit/

(2) https://jfml.eu/2009/10/illustration-ein-labyrinth-ein-traum/

JfmlArt #art #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #underwater #apocalypse #climatecrisis #wallpaper #fantasy #night #dream #surreal #monster #flooded #TraditionalArt