Inkscape-Tutorial: Make duplicated clones / instances real

Inkscape has a bug where it only exports a white page when duplicates / clones are present on the page. To get around this do:

– Edit > Clone > Unlink Clone (Shift-Alt-D)

Also, while I’m on it:

Scale many objects around their individual centres:

– Ungroup Objects
– Transform Menu (Ctrl-Shift-M) > Scale
– Tick „Apply to each object seperately“

Thanks to SMBiggs on Stackexchange.

How to work with Clip-Groups in Inkscape

It’s another „Write it down so I don’t have to search for it on the internet all the time“-post!

– Rightclick on the object that should be the outer form of the Clip-Group and select „Set Clip Group“ (located near the bottom of the list). In the Layers and Object panel (Ctrl-Shift-L) the object will have been put in a group (that has a tiny scissor icon on its lower right) that contains another group called „Clip“ that contains the object.
– Now either click the „Clip“ group icon in Layers and Objects or double-click the original object on the canvas to get into the same state and draw a new object inside the Clip Group.
– You can also paste / move objects in Layers & Objects into the group, they have to be above the „Clip“ group that contains the original object
– With the original object in the Clip group selected you can change it’s shape (n), size (s) etc.

Screenshot of Inkscape showing a roughly circular red object on the left with an orange circle inside it that is only party visible. The orange object is selected and the right image of the screenshot shows the object in the Objects & Layers panel being inside a clip group (of the red object) above a group called Clip that has the original red shape inside it.

Thanks to this video by yjarz on Youtube linked by Polygon in this (German) thread I made about this very topic in the Inkscape forums.

Inskscape: How to split / break one object in two

Since it’s the three-bazillionst time I’m looking this up I’ll write it down here so I can find it easily.

You split an object in two at certain nodes by selecting two nodes and then pressing:

Shift-B (Break apart at selected nodes) as pointed out on Stackexchange.
Ctrl-Shift-K (Break apart again but the path/object this time, I guess? This always confuses me to no end, why this is a two-step process? Only the almighty SVG goddess knows)

I’ll preserve the handy graphic that user Brecht (see link above) made in case Stackexchange goes full enshittify mode in the future:

Schreenshot of the menubar in Inkscape that has all the node buttons with red arrows pointing to their keyboard shortcuts: Join Selected Nodes : Shift + J Break Path at Selected Nodes: Shift + B Join Selected Endnodes with a New Segment: Alt + J Delete Segment Between Two Non-Endpoint Nodes: Alt + Del

How to import meshes as .res to Godot from Blender

The excellent Spatial-Gardener Addon for Godot needs it’s assets to be .res files and one way to do that from Blender (or probably any 3D-object) in Godot is:

The object should probably a single mesh (ctrl-j in Blender), export it as a .obj (probably optional but easy to just export the single mesh that way).

Select file in Godot’s file browser, in the „Import“ options tab (up left a tab next to the Scene tree view), change „Import As“ to „Scene“ and press the „Advanced …“ button.

Press „Actions …“ on the upper left and choose „Select Mesh Save Paths“, select a folder where you want to save the mesh and press „Reimport“
