Colobee24 is this weekend (Sept 14/15 2024)! 🎉

Photo of some of the stuff I will have on offer, three framed prints, greeting cards, stickers and postcards.
Nika Novich's surreal digital collage „Soul Transit“: people in suits standing in a dark wood with a giant owl-like creature that also might be a carriage, there's a full moon.
My illustration „Cycle Outing“ in greens and pinks of a person taking a brake from cycling the rather steep climbs in a Scottish landscape with mountains, a loch and woodlands.
My illustration „Cycle Outing“ in greens and pinks of a person taking a brake from cycling the rather steep climbs in a Scottish landscape with mountains, a loch and woodlands.

Colobee 🐝 aka Colony of Artists, the yearly #Abbeyhill open door / #artfair is happening this weekend, Sat 14 / Sun 15, 11am – 6pm in #Edinburgh! 🎉

Come round for over 90(!?) #artists showing their work in their homes and gardens:

I’m venue 42 with our friend Nika Novich who is doing amazing digital #collages, check out #colobee for more stuff.

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtistsOnMastodon #Scotland #prints

Made in Istanbul: »This body is mine«

This body is mineThis body is mine

This body is mineThis body is mine

This body is mineThis body is mine

This body is mineThis body is mine

This body is mineThis body is mine

This body is mineThis body is mine

This body is mineThis body is mine

This body is mine

NĂŒtzt ja nichts, ich wollte eigentlich damit warten bis ich sie alle auf einmal reinstellen kann aber das wird wohl noch bis zum St. Nimmerleinstag dauern. Hier also ein paar von den kleinen Projekten, die ich wĂ€hrend des Wintersemesters 2007/2008 hauptsĂ€chlich nicht fĂŒr die Mimar Sinan gemacht habe.
Mein Bruder wĂŒnschte sich zu Weihnachten einen Terminplaner, in Istanbul gab es sehr feine im Bibel-look mit Goldrand. Am Ende jeden Monats befand sich eine Doppelseite fĂŒr Notizen, die mir die Möglichkeit baten mal wieder analoge Collagen zu machen. Großer Spaß, auch wenn natĂŒrlich nicht alle so die wirklichen Glanzleistungen sind.

Collage – Gustav Meyrink’s »The Golem«


Yiha, I just ran a backup prog and read about this work that I’ve done as a present for a friend’s birthday in 2006 in the program’s logfile. I always adored Meyrink’s book almost as much for his gorgeous description of Prague as for the mystical parts.

I rarely do collages but this one’s one of the few I was satisfied with in the end (the pic above is just a detail, click it for the whole work).