The Selkie / Winter Morning

Vector illustration of a young, white child with long, braided hair standing on the edge of a lake in a snowy landscape. In the lake is a mermaid-creature with a seal-tail. The selkie is almost completely underwater only the top of their head is above the surface. There is an eerie glow coming from the bottom of the lake.
The same illustration but it's not snowing.

I really enjoyed #JonKlassen’s #book „The Skull“, so here is a #hommage with a #Scottish twist* ^__^

The #braids almost killed me, I’ve struggled with #drawing braids before and can totally understand when people just draw a bunch of wonky circles (like Klassen does ^__^) but this time I wanted to understand how to do it and it probably took twice as long as all the rest of the illustration. I think the dramatic shadows on them fit the eery glowing light that’s coming from the bottom of the Selkie lake, no idea how I’d do it in „normal“ circumstances …

Not sure about the #snow, I personally love it but I got #feedback on another piece that it makes it the composition very restless, which I totally see.

Snow or no snow, what do you think?


#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtWithOpenSource #Inkscape #ArtistsOnMastodon #fantasy #fairytale #winter #selkie #scotland #edinburgh

Greeting Cards!

Photo of three square greeting cards with birds on them, on a wooden floor.
More close-up photo of the cards, the birds are a jackdaw, a blue tit and a robin.

They’re here! 🥰✨

I’ll be selling #GreetingCards printed at at this year’s #ColonyOfArtists!

And they’re #beautiful! Printed on #recycled paper, with #EcoKraft envelopes and #compostable wrappers (just like my #prints).

Come round the #weekend after next in #Edinburgh’s #Abbeyhill to have a look ^__^


An illustration of five people, all rather fat, old and/or bulky, done in (digital) ink with blue shade.

Hallo ^ _ ^ Instead of bringing you something #ColonyOfArtists-related (which is in less then a month in #Edinburgh, #Scotland!) …

Here are a few sketches of older women main characters. Some day I want to do a #ChildrensBook or #Comic about an #old #adventurer who has lived #TheQuietLife for a few decades and goes on another #quest. Mh, that sounds like a #TerryPratchett #novel doesn’t it?


Reprints of some of my #postcards hot of the presses, yay! ✨

I’ll be selling them (along with #prints, #stickers etc) here in #Edinburgh on #Colobee (aka #ColonyOfArtists) in September but I’m also thinking of putting them on my #Kofi

Would you rather want to buy postcards in packs or individual? What would be a good pack-size?