Avocados gegen Hass đź’«

Illustration of (half) an avocado character on light pink background that is kicking a swastika to bits. Above it a 3d-text says „Avocados gegen Hass” (Avocados against hate).

Always wondered why it’s called „Hass Avocado“ (Hass meaning „hate“ in German, so „Medium Hate Avocado“ 🤔)* and since the whole western world seems to be turning fascist I decided Hass Avocados are actually not ok with all this bs.

Be like the Hass Avocado and stand up against hate!*

* I since learned that the surname of American who cultivated that variety of avocado was Hass:


#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #Inkscape #typography #design #avocado #NoAfd #AfdVerbot #Antifa #NoNazis #AntifaSticker #NieWiederIstJetzt #antifaschismus #FckAfd

Return the Wolf WIP

Vector illustration of a European landscape with a river, forests, a village, a stone circle, sheep, a lake etc. There's a howling wolf in the centre of the picture and three lakes form kind of a nose and two eyes in the landscape.

Hello ^__^ here’s a detail of a piece I’m working on. Just like with another one I’m finishing atm, I’m struggling with colours a lot. This one is kind of an experiment with doing outlines on a vector illustration, not sure if I like it but it’s a new thing!

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtWithOpenSource #ArtistsOnMastodon #Inkscape #Vector #WIP #wolf #landscape #map #forest #nature #animals #environment #Scotland #PublicTransport #train


An illustration of a Magic – The Gathering style trading card showing an island at night saying „Temporary Respite > Birch Cove – Fantastic Landscape: It can be a cruel world out there, so stay a while, look at some pretty art, recharge and then go on changing it for the better.“ The card is surrounded by flowers and grass, a butterfly, a ladybug, a cup of coffee, drawing utensils as well as a small plate with nuts, chocolate and raspberries on it.

Hi! Remember #FediCard? I decided to make an illustration around one, way after it was cool and then kinda lost steam … But since it’s theme seems to only getting more relevant I decided to post it anyway in all it’s unfinished glory ^__^

I’ve long struggled with my art not being deep or political enough and while I do see a worth in giving people the chance of not thinking about terrible events for a second it still feels not enough …

Emoji by #OpenMoji

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtWithOpenSource #ArtistsOnMastodon #Inkscape #coffee #relax #nature #flowers #holiday #chocolate #nuts #island #night #moon #drawing #butterfly #ladybug #diablo

Newsletter (2nd try) ✨

Envelope character with a long letter coming out of it that is also a character on a pink background with more envelope characters, some of whom are cat envelopes?

Hello dear Fediverse! đź’–

May I interest you in my new and sparkly newsletter?

I’m planning to send the first one out soon™️ , so sign up here:


There will probably only be two a year or so, so not too spammy ^__^

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtWithOpenSource #ArtistsOnMastodon #newsletter #Inkscape #cute #CharacterDesign #pink #cats #mail #letter

#PortfolioDay 10/2024

Illustration of a traditional Scottish cottage on a flowering meadow (Machair), surrounded by the sea. It's a beautiful day, there's sheep and birds and mountains in the background.
Round illustration on a pink background with a boombox-character dancing happily on a broken swastika. Text around it says „Love music, fight fascism“.
Abstract model of a solar system on a pink / salmon coloured floor, rendered with Blender3D. A big glowing orb in the centre, with copper circles (orbits) around it. More spheres on the circles (planets) with copper rings (orbits) and smaller spheres (moons) around the centre. They're all made of „natural“ materials, like glass, wood, fabric, copper etc.
Photo of a square flyer and business cards for a client of mine, Airstructures. They do inflatable domes, that can be used for fulldome projection and can also be illuminated from the outside, so their corporate identity is very dark with a bit of colour.

Hello #PortfolioDay! ✨

I’m a German #creative person, living in #Edinburgh and #LĂĽbeck. I’ve been sneakily changing to only using #OpenSource (#Inkscape #Krita #Scribus #Blender etc.) tools and so far no one has complained ^__^

Aside from #illustration and #GraphicDesign I’ve also been doing a lot of #3D / #fulldome work, which is a good mix!

I love #nature and #science (especially #astronomy 🤩), progressive #fantasy, #folktales and everything nerdy. #FightFascism!

JfmlArt #art #MastoArt

„Last Coffee Shop Before the Galaxy“ (2024)

Monochrome illustration of the inside of a hipster coffee shop, the old lady barista is just doing some latte art, there are stickers on the coffee machine and the walls are full of coffee making equipment, that have tiny astronomical things in them (a miniature sun, moons, planets etc). There's a giant window from which you can see the surface of the moon, the earthrise and our milky way in the background.
Detail of the illustration in black and yellow: an old person with a topknot behind the bar of a café pouring oatmilk into a cup. There's an espresso machine with stickers on the left.

Old #punk lady’s #coffee shop on the #moon where the young #space kids fighting for free space travel drop by before going on their #adventures.

I’m a huge #astronomy and #coffee #nerd but I don’t really express these in my #art so I thought why not combine the two ^__^

#JfmlArt #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtWithOpenSource #ArtistsOnMastodon #inkscape #SciFi #ScienceFiction #horror #milkyway

Hipster Café WIP

Vector illustration in black and yellow of an old person with a topknot behind the bar of a café pouring oatmilk into a cup. There's an espresso machine with stickers on the left.

Here’s a #WIP from a piece I’m working on. I realised I don’t draw a lot of the things I care deeply about in real life so (except for nature and fantasy ^__^), so this will be all about #hipster #coffee places (paired with #scifi / #astronomy).

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtWithOpenSource #ArtistsOnMastodon #Inkscape #WorkInProgress #cafe #barista #espresso

The Selkie / Winter Morning

Vector illustration of a young, white child with long, braided hair standing on the edge of a lake in a snowy landscape. In the lake is a mermaid-creature with a seal-tail. The selkie is almost completely underwater only the top of their head is above the surface. There is an eerie glow coming from the bottom of the lake.
The same illustration but it's not snowing.

I really enjoyed #JonKlassen’s #book „The Skull“, so here is a #hommage with a #Scottish twist* ^__^

The #braids almost killed me, I’ve struggled with #drawing braids before and can totally understand when people just draw a bunch of wonky circles (like Klassen does ^__^) but this time I wanted to understand how to do it and it probably took twice as long as all the rest of the illustration. I think the dramatic shadows on them fit the eery glowing light that’s coming from the bottom of the Selkie lake, no idea how I’d do it in „normal“ circumstances …

Not sure about the #snow, I personally love it but I got #feedback on another piece that it makes it the composition very restless, which I totally see.

Snow or no snow, what do you think?

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selkie

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtWithOpenSource #Inkscape #ArtistsOnMastodon #fantasy #fairytale #winter #selkie #scotland #edinburgh

Cosmic Cow

Vector drawing in dark greens and blues of a night-scene with a highland cow on a small peninsular. The cow's reflection in the water reflects the milky way in the sky above. There's a crow sittig on the cow's back but in the reflection it is somehow in flight.

„Cosmic Cow“, first #illustration of the new year 🎉

A magic #cow and it’s time-bending #crow-companion enjoying the night on Harris ^__^

I like #HighlandCows a lot, they’re so chill and cool. This was probably inspired by John Maher’s night photography of the #OuterHebrides:


#JfmlArt #art #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #inkscape #landscape #milkyway #astronomy #photography #birds #animals #fantasy #mystery #scotland #harris #blue


Vector illustration of a tiny bluetit with a meadow, clouds and mountains in the background. It is very cute.

Look at this super cute #bluetit! Just look at it, it’s just too cute ^__^

JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #vector #landscape #abstract #nature #animals #Inkscape #cute #adorable #birb #bird #birds #birding #birdart