„Last Coffee Shop Before the Galaxy“ (2024)

Monochrome illustration of the inside of a hipster coffee shop, the old lady barista is just doing some latte art, there are stickers on the coffee machine and the walls are full of coffee making equipment, that have tiny astronomical things in them (a miniature sun, moons, planets etc). There's a giant window from which you can see the surface of the moon, the earthrise and our milky way in the background.
Detail of the illustration in black and yellow: an old person with a topknot behind the bar of a café pouring oatmilk into a cup. There's an espresso machine with stickers on the left.

Old #punk lady’s #coffee shop on the #moon where the young #space kids fighting for free space travel drop by before going on their #adventures.

I’m a huge #astronomy and #coffee #nerd but I don’t really express these in my #art so I thought why not combine the two ^__^

#JfmlArt #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtWithOpenSource #ArtistsOnMastodon #inkscape #SciFi #ScienceFiction #horror #milkyway

ArtVsArtist 2023

ArtVsArtist2023: A picture divided into nine squares, the middle one is a rather dorky photo of yours truly with the hoodie up, drinking something with a (paper) straw, the rest are illustrations I've finished 2023.

Late to the party as always (🥳) here’s an #ArtVsArtist2023 thingy (I’m super unsure about putting my face on the internet but since this is not going to #Instagram anymore I feel better about it).

I feel there’s a lot of #pink going on which is really nice ^__^ I hope I’ll remember doing more of these in the future, it’s a good way of looking at the past year.

Late to the party as always (🥳) here’s an #ArtVsArtist2023 thingy (I’m super unsure about putting my face on the internet but since this is not going to #Instagram anymore I feel better about it).

There’s a lot of #pink going on which is really nice ^__^ I hope I’ll remember doing more of these in the future, it’s a good way of looking at the past year.

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #inscape #blender3d #fantasy #cute #birds #science #space

Cute Planets: Mercury

A vector illustration of mercury looking hot but also happy at the same time saying „I got the craters.“

Hi! What’s the coolest thing about #tiny, inconspicuous #Mercury? That they’re #HeavyMetal (70% iron)? Got most craters? Traveling fastest? Something else?

This is the second #planet for my #CutePlanets #poster ^__^

#space #astronomy #cute #inkscape #vector #solarsystem #science #design #typography