
An illustration of a Magic – The Gathering style trading card showing an island at night saying „Temporary Respite > Birch Cove – Fantastic Landscape: It can be a cruel world out there, so stay a while, look at some pretty art, recharge and then go on changing it for the better.“ The card is surrounded by flowers and grass, a butterfly, a ladybug, a cup of coffee, drawing utensils as well as a small plate with nuts, chocolate and raspberries on it.

Hi! Remember #FediCard? I decided to make an illustration around one, way after it was cool and then kinda lost steam … But since it’s theme seems to only getting more relevant I decided to post it anyway in all it’s unfinished glory ^__^

I’ve long struggled with my art not being deep or political enough and while I do see a worth in giving people the chance of not thinking about terrible events for a second it still feels not enough …

Emoji by #OpenMoji

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtWithOpenSource #ArtistsOnMastodon #Inkscape #coffee #relax #nature #flowers #holiday #chocolate #nuts #island #night #moon #drawing #butterfly #ladybug #diablo

How to import meshes as .res to Godot from Blender

The excellent Spatial-Gardener Addon for Godot needs it’s assets to be .res files and one way to do that from Blender (or probably any 3D-object) in Godot is:

The object should probably a single mesh (ctrl-j in Blender), export it as a .obj (probably optional but easy to just export the single mesh that way).

Select file in Godot’s file browser, in the „Import“ options tab (up left a tab next to the Scene tree view), change „Import As“ to „Scene“ and press the „Advanced …“ button.

Press „Actions …“ on the upper left and choose „Select Mesh Save Paths“, select a folder where you want to save the mesh and press „Reimport“


Briefwechsel Michael Ende und Werner Zurfluh

Da ich grade nochmal panisch danach gesucht habe, hier der Link zu einem Briefwechsel zwischen Michael Ende und dem Klartraum-Forscher Werner Zurfluh (1945 – 2008):


Ist auch auf archive.org archiviert, insofern bleibt uns das wohl erhalten.

Ich weiß noch, dass ich das damals super faszinierend und traurig fand, dass Ende so unfassbar fantastische Geschichten schrieb, also Zugang zu solchen Welten hatte in den Briefen aber auf mich irgendwie verzweifelt wirkte in seinem Wunsch sowas auch erträumen zu können.

How to batch-convert videos with ffmpeg including all audio and subtitles

Since I spend quite a bit of time tinkering with this I though it might be interesting to others.

The following can be executed on a folder with a bunch of videos which ffmpeg will convert including all audio and subtitle streams and put in a subfolder (not very) originally called „Done“ (not sure if you need to create that folder or if ffmpeg will do that*):

for i in *.*; do ffmpeg -hwaccel_output_format cuda -i "$i" -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a? -map 0:s? -c:v hevc_nvenc -b:v 2000k -preset slow -c:a aac -b:a 128k -c:s copy "Done/${i%.*}.mkv"; done

All the for i in for the batch-conversion is way above my tiny „I can’t learn programming“ brain and is taken from this StackExchange thread (among other things I can’t find now). You could do *.mp4 or *.mkv if you only want those types of videos to be converted.

-hwaccel_output_format cuda and -c:v hevc_nvenc? tells ffmpeg to use the GPU with Cuda (so will probably only work with NVIDIA) and use HEVC (x265) as the video-codec.

The interesting bits are -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a? -map 0:s? which selects all video(?), audio streams and subtitles. I was using -map 0 before but this sometimes created empty video or audio streams which caused all video players I tried to crash (except for good old VLC who did not care). Not ideal.

-c:v and -c:a select the audio and video codecs (c = codec) with slow preset in this case, whereas

-b:v and -b:a tells ffmpeg the bitrate (b = bitrate).

-c:s copy copies the subtitles.

* Edit: You do need to have a folder withe name you specify there in the folder where you run the script. If someone knows how to automate that I’d be happy to hear how ^__^

„Fixing“(?) Duplicati MissingRemoteHash error

I recently got a few errors like this:

2023-11-30 23:46:34 +00 - [Warning-Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.FilelistProcessor-MissingRemoteHash]: remote file duplicati-[stringofnumbersandletters].dblock.zip is listed as Verified with size 0 but should be 52383505, please verify the sha256 hash "[anotherstringofnumbersandletters]"

rebuild-missing-dblock-files and no-local-blocks (saw that on the Duplicati forum) didn’t work, so I copied the files Duplicati was complaining about somewhere else and deleted the originals.

I then deleted and recreated the database via the Web-GUI (got errors that said files where missing and registered as such 😱), ran backup again, no warnings or errors, anymore. Profit?

There’s a lingering doubt that the files are just gone and not recreated but at least there are no more errors +__+

How to fix hyphenation not working for Scribus on Fedora Linux

I just found out how to fix #hyphenation not working in #Scribus on #Fedora (probably for #languages that aren’t system language):

Check that the text frame (Windows > Content Properties), character and paragraph styles (Edit > Styles, maybe you need to double click on a style to edit) are all the correct language (in my case German on an English system).

If Extras > Hyphenate Text still isn’t working, go to Windows > Resources > Hyphenation Dictionaries and check that you have the correct .dics installed (for me it was only English) and download the appropriate ones if necessary. You can also see the path where they are installed on the system here, so you could manually move a .dic there if you manage to find one.

Tadaa 🎉

EDIT: Writing this down has already helped my once, amazing! You might need to restart Scribus after all these steps before it starts working, at least that’s how it was for me just now.

Cute Planets: Mercury

A vector illustration of mercury looking hot but also happy at the same time saying „I got the craters.“

Hi! What’s the coolest thing about #tiny, inconspicuous #Mercury? That they’re #HeavyMetal (70% iron)? Got most craters? Traveling fastest? Something else?

This is the second #planet for my #CutePlanets #poster ^__^

#space #astronomy #cute #inkscape #vector #solarsystem #science #design #typography


Viel hat sich da nicht getan und ich hab’ keine Ahung ob’s besser ist als die alte Version, is aber auch egal:


Dann versuch’ ich einfach zum hundertsten Mal programmieren zu lernen, diesmal (wieder) Javascript. Das erste von den in der Bücherei vorbestellten Büchern war „Coding with Javascript for Dummies“ und ist auch abgesehen von dem ableistischen Titel der Buchreihe das schlechteste Programmier-Lern-Dings, das ich je gesehen habe: es ist voller Fehler (im Text, in den Anleitungen und sogar im fucking Code!), Sachen sind superschlecht erklärt, es gibt schon zu Anfang viel zu viele ausufernde Listen, die bestenfalls in einen Anhang gehören würden, etc. Ich mach’ das weiter, bis ein neues Buch kommt aber dann kommt das ohne Nachdenken in die Tonne,zurück in die Bücherei, der Schrott.

Ich werde da als praktische Übung, wenn ich da ein bissl drin bin, (hoffentlich) eine interaktive (und überarbeitete) Version von diesem „Choose Your Own Eulord“ machen:


Das scheint mir ein realistischeres Ziel zu sein, als das was ich eigentlich machen will (nämlich Emby Theater fürn Mac).