Wild Fired Art Market ❄️

Illustration of a fox and hedgehog having a winter picnic on a snowy peak. Warrior squirrel needs some sleep but it looks like mountain ghost is going to join!
Poster from the Wild Fired Market with text and swirly lines and dots with circles around them on a blue and yellow gradient background. The text is the date, time location and I mention in the post.
My stall from Colony of Artist which will be similar for this market, lots of postcards and stickers as well as (not pictured here) prints and book), all very brightly coloured.

Lovely Edinburgh folk! 💖 I’ll be at the „Wild Fired Winter Market“ this Saturday, Dec 7, 10 – 4 pm, 16 Montrose Terrace here in Abbeyhill, Edinburgh!

If you’re up for a small art and pottery market this might be just your thing ^__^

There’s also TAGS (Tabletop & Graphic Storytelling) Festival ( https://www.fruitmarket.co.uk/event/tags-fest/ on Saturday only twenty minutes walk away in the Fruitmarket, which also hosts the Winter Makers Market on Saturday as well as the Edinburgh Creative Trail: https://www.edinburghopenworkshop.co.uk/news/2024/10/28/leith-creative-trail-2024/ if you’re up for more arty things on that weekend 🎉 #edinburgh #art #creative #gifts #events

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtistsOnMastodon #BuyIntoArt #FediGiftShop #GiftIdeas #ShopLocal #ArtForSale #print #artprints #postcard #giclee #sticker #comics #ChildrensBooks #pottery #edinburgh #scotland #events


An illustration of a Magic – The Gathering style trading card showing an island at night saying „Temporary Respite > Birch Cove – Fantastic Landscape: It can be a cruel world out there, so stay a while, look at some pretty art, recharge and then go on changing it for the better.“ The card is surrounded by flowers and grass, a butterfly, a ladybug, a cup of coffee, drawing utensils as well as a small plate with nuts, chocolate and raspberries on it.

Hi! Remember #FediCard? I decided to make an illustration around one, way after it was cool and then kinda lost steam … But since it’s theme seems to only getting more relevant I decided to post it anyway in all it’s unfinished glory ^__^

I’ve long struggled with my art not being deep or political enough and while I do see a worth in giving people the chance of not thinking about terrible events for a second it still feels not enough …

Emoji by #OpenMoji

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtWithOpenSource #ArtistsOnMastodon #Inkscape #coffee #relax #nature #flowers #holiday #chocolate #nuts #island #night #moon #drawing #butterfly #ladybug #diablo

Colobee24 is this weekend (Sept 14/15 2024)! 🎉

Photo of some of the stuff I will have on offer, three framed prints, greeting cards, stickers and postcards.
Nika Novich's surreal digital collage „Soul Transit“: people in suits standing in a dark wood with a giant owl-like creature that also might be a carriage, there's a full moon.
My illustration „Cycle Outing“ in greens and pinks of a person taking a brake from cycling the rather steep climbs in a Scottish landscape with mountains, a loch and woodlands.
My illustration „Cycle Outing“ in greens and pinks of a person taking a brake from cycling the rather steep climbs in a Scottish landscape with mountains, a loch and woodlands.

Colobee 🐝 aka Colony of Artists, the yearly #Abbeyhill open door / #artfair is happening this weekend, Sat 14 / Sun 15, 11am – 6pm in #Edinburgh! 🎉

Come round for over 90(!?) #artists showing their work in their homes and gardens:


I’m venue 42 with our friend Nika Novich who is doing amazing digital #collages, check out #colobee for more stuff.

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtistsOnMastodon #Scotland #prints

Cosmic Cow

Vector drawing in dark greens and blues of a night-scene with a highland cow on a small peninsular. The cow's reflection in the water reflects the milky way in the sky above. There's a crow sittig on the cow's back but in the reflection it is somehow in flight.

„Cosmic Cow“, first #illustration of the new year 🎉

A magic #cow and it’s time-bending #crow-companion enjoying the night on Harris ^__^

I like #HighlandCows a lot, they’re so chill and cool. This was probably inspired by John Maher’s night photography of the #OuterHebrides:


#JfmlArt #art #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #inkscape #landscape #milkyway #astronomy #photography #birds #animals #fantasy #mystery #scotland #harris #blue

Nach der Zeit – Cityscape

A nightly streetscene with old houses that are partly submerged in water. In the distance two reed moons and a cloud kinda form a monster's face

Hej ^__^

Here’s another #illustration from my #diploma (1),which I like a lot, I feel like this #cityscape harkens back to my prediploma (2) which was a reaction to my #erasmus #studenexchange in #Istanbul (which was very good but as a lover #nature it was a strange experience).

(1) https://jfml.eu/2009/09/illustration-nach-der-zeit/

(2) https://jfml.eu/2009/10/illustration-ein-labyrinth-ein-traum/

JfmlArt #art #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #underwater #apocalypse #climatecrisis #wallpaper #fantasy #night #dream #surreal #monster #flooded #TraditionalArt

Pumpkin Cat Wendy

Illustration of a cat sitting on a carved pumpkin that is flying through the air, with a full moon and clouds in the background. The pumpkin has vampire teeth and tiny Will-o'-the-wisps in it's eyes.

You’ve heard of Skate Cat Wendy* now get ready for:

Pumpkin Cat Wendy! 🎃 🐈‍⬛ 🌕

This came from of the many pun-laden back-and-forths between my partner and me but this time it actually turned into something ^__^

You can buy it on my #Inprnt ✨:


Happy #halloween!

#FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #cat #mastoween #cute #adorable #spooky #moon #krita

* https://jfml.eu/2016/10/illustration-skaterkatze-wendy/


fuckyeahviolentwomen.tumblr.com ♥ ‿ ♥ Was für eine Goldgrube. EDIT: Dornröschen!

Es gibt eine weitere neue Fantasy-Schrott-Serie (hier ein wie immer guter Artikel dazu von N.K. Jemisin), die genau wie der ganze Herr der Ringe/Hobbit-Kram in Neuseeland gedreht wird. Ich hatte mal einen Artikel darüber gelesen, wie die Tolkien-Filme da die Maori-Kultur noch weiter zerstören, weil alle Tourist*innen sich nur noch für den Fantasy-Quark interessieren, wenn die da Urlaub machen. Finde ich aber leider nicht mehr. Bei der Suche bin aber auf das gruselige Detail gestoßen, dass die Uruk-hai (die böse, gezüchtete Untermenschen/Ork-Rasse) in den LotR-Filmen wurden hauptsächlich von Maori gespielt werden. Krasse scheiße.

Song of the Sea, Nachfolger von Secret of the Kells ist unfassbar schön, obwohl die Story leider eine Mischung aus Absent Mom- und Damsel in Distess-Tropes (und einer Billiarde anderen) ist. Immerhin ist die Bösewichtin aber in Ghlibli-Manier mit gutem Grund böse und nicht einfach nur so.

Dark Sun Gwyndolin aus Dark Souls ist eine Transfrau und die Reaktionen der Community sind  genauso gruslig wie erwartet. (Und auch die Macher haben sich anscheinend nicht mit Ruhm bekleckert.) (Via)

Dieses „Früher™ waren Frauen ja auch nur Hausfrauen oder höchsten Hilfkräfte von ihren Ehemännern“ ist natürlich auch Quatsch. Wer hätte das gedacht! “Stronger than men and braver than knights”!

Mit geschlechtergerechter Sprache wirken traditionell männlich besetzte Berufe auf Kinder erreichbarer. Fuck you, fefe!


Wait, what? Hamburger Grafitti-Urgestein OZ ist gestorben? RIP : (

Representation FTW: In der Herbtsaison 2014 wird es eine Anime-Serie mit einem Mädchen im Rollstuhl in einer der Hauptrollen geben, Yūki Yūna wa Yūsha de Aru. Ansonsten sieht das wieder nach viel Einheitsbrei aus (außer vielleicht Mushishi und *daumendrück* Ronia). (Via)

Psychosomatische Schmerzen durch Handystrahlung. (Via)

Während Zeit Online zum Tag der deutschen Einheit Klickibunti-Scroll-Hijacking-Infographics zum Thema „Wo wird Hähnchen/Broiler gesagt“ (I shit you not!) macht, hat zumindest Dradio was Kritisches zur westdeutschen Annektierung den blühenden Landschaften im ehem. Osten. (Via) Das deckt sich mit einer grusligen Sendung, wo ich vor Jahren mal gehört habe, dass unerklärlicherweise in Ostdeutschland alle wichtigen Positionen in Unternehmen, Unis, Öffentlichem Dienst alle von Wessis besetzt sind. Zufälle gibt’s!

Hier nochmal was zu dem „biologische“/„genetische“ Unterschiede zwischen Männern und Frauen-Quatsch. Das war übrigens auch eine der fadenscheinigen Ausreden warum es damals bei meinem Studentenjob keine Sargträgerinnen gab. Fuck you.