The Fox of Friendship now in my shop!

Cover of the English version of Fox of Friendship, showing the main character, the white fox as well as a fire elemental floating above a city at night.
A double spread showing the main character, Ara outside of their home as well as a page with a homeless person sleeping at the foot of a statue of a water buffalo.
A close-up of a page where Ara and Nin sneak by the Parliament of Owls.

Hello ^__^ This week it was time for my children’s book „Ara & the Fox of Friendship“ to move from my Kofi to my own webshop:

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtistsOnMastodon #BuyIntoArt #GiftIdeas #ShopLocal #ArtForSale #ChildrensBooks #Kofi #buch #kinderbuch #reading #lesen #shop #FediGiftShop #fantasy #fox #animals #children #SelfPublishing

„The Shadow“ now in my shop ✨

A photo of the printed English and German editions, the cover showing the two main characters in front of a city in a valley. They're standing (on the shore?) of a lake. There's a shadowy creature instead of the reflection of one of the main characters in the water.
First page of the comic opening with a a view of a landscape with a river and a mountain cutting to the two main characters climbing that mountain.
Second page: they've reached the cliff-top and can see the next mountain with a canyon that is guarded by gigantic but cute stone figures of a bat and a bird. It's the entrance to the ancient city of witches!

Hi! I started (veeery slowly) moving stuff from my Ko-fi to my own shop. First up is my short comic „The Shadow“, with its English and German digital and printed versions:

Still not sure if I’m really supposed to make „products“ for all the versions and then a „grouped product“ to catch them all, while the single products clutter up all places like:

I feel like there should be a better way, but it doesn’t seem to work with „variants“ (which seems to be for doing all possible variants of e.g. three sizes and colours for a t-shirt). If anyone knows their way around in #Woocommerce please chime in. #Wordpress #shop #webshop #ecommerce

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtistsOnMastodon #BuyIntoArt #FediGiftShop #GiftIdeas #ShopLocal #ArtForSale #Scribus #comics #comic #ebook #fantasy #fox #selfpublishing #buch #lesen

The Shrine available in my shop ❄️

A vector illustration showing an isometric part of a wintery scene: a small stream that is running into a frozen lake with fishes unter the ice, a fox sleeping in it's burrow, a few trees, flying crows and a deer next to a small shrine.

Hello, dear fedifolk ^__^

I added „The Shrine“ to my new and shiny shop:

It’s available as #print, #postcard and #PrintOnDemand / #DropShipping

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtistsOnMastodon #BuyIntoArt #FediGiftShop #GiftIdeas #ShopLocal #ArtForSale #print #artprints #postcard #giclee #snow #winter #animals #crows #deer #fox #isometric #videogames

Lady Sindbad (2014)

Illustration of a bunch of people having fun on a tiny island around a campfire on a starry night. One of them has a wooden leg, the another one is roasting something on a stick. They're having an excellent time.
Full version of the illustration, they're actually having a party on a giant whale!

I have this weird thing that I’m only allowed to post stuff I haven’t posted before on #SocialMedia. And while I try to not care about that looks like this fits the bill as well:

„Lady Sindbad“ (2014)

Really like the #cosy atmosphere in this one ^__^

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #AdobeIllustrator #ArtistsOnMastodon #GenderBend #sindbad #fairytale #fantasy #party #fun #whale #pirates #bbq #friends #moon #stars #night

Ghost Tiger (2020)

Illustration of a night scene with a small car on a rural street and a giant, blue-tinded tiger hovering above it. There's a mountainous landscape with trees in the background.

Looks like I’ve never posted this 2020 piece inspired by the #ChildrensBook „When You Trap a Tiger“ by #TaeKeller* Not super satisfied with this (will I ever be with anything …) but I love the #mysterious atmosphere this has ^__^

Hope you have a good week!

* Look at that amazing cover: !

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtistsOnMastodon #tiger #nature #animals #fantasy #ghost #night #spooky #TinyCarsOrNoCars

Forest Dream (2011)

Illustration of a viking with red hair and beard, sleeping on the forest floor, seen from a bird's-eye view. Next to the viking there's a fox curled-up and sleeping as well. It seems to be autumn, the leaves are red and the forest-floor is golden, with light streaming in from behind the viking on the upper left of the picture.

aka „Wikinger Wald“ ^ __ ^

Hello, #Fedifriends! Here’s a another one from the #archives (2011). I was never quite satisfied with the colours and overall composition but it has grown on me over the years.

The original also featured a sword (see here) but I’m not really a fan of tools for killing anymore.

Mh, that’s a nice thought that this might happen to pieces I’m struggling with now …

„A Storm Coming“ / „Viking Monk“ (2010) Repost

Sketch of a viking, seen from behind, hovering in the air next to a rune stone. There's a grazing horse a bit away and dark, foreboding clouds in the sky.

Here’s a very old (2010!) piece I recently found on my blog, it was apparently for the (now defunct) #DrawingDay, done on a tiny, ancient (about A6!) #wacom #DrawingTablet (could never get used to them in the end).

Still like the atmosphere a lot.

Check out the blog for some info on the #RuneStone:

Briefwechsel Michael Ende und Werner Zurfluh

Da ich grade nochmal panisch danach gesucht habe, hier der Link zu einem Briefwechsel zwischen Michael Ende und dem Klartraum-Forscher Werner Zurfluh (1945 – 2008):

Ist auch auf archiviert, insofern bleibt uns das wohl erhalten.

Ich weiß noch, dass ich das damals super faszinierend und traurig fand, dass Ende so unfassbar fantastische Geschichten schrieb, also Zugang zu solchen Welten hatte in den Briefen aber auf mich irgendwie verzweifelt wirkte in seinem Wunsch sowas auch erträumen zu können.

The Selkie / Winter Morning

Vector illustration of a young, white child with long, braided hair standing on the edge of a lake in a snowy landscape. In the lake is a mermaid-creature with a seal-tail. The selkie is almost completely underwater only the top of their head is above the surface. There is an eerie glow coming from the bottom of the lake.
The same illustration but it's not snowing.

I really enjoyed #JonKlassen’s #book „The Skull“, so here is a #hommage with a #Scottish twist* ^__^

The #braids almost killed me, I’ve struggled with #drawing braids before and can totally understand when people just draw a bunch of wonky circles (like Klassen does ^__^) but this time I wanted to understand how to do it and it probably took twice as long as all the rest of the illustration. I think the dramatic shadows on them fit the eery glowing light that’s coming from the bottom of the Selkie lake, no idea how I’d do it in „normal“ circumstances …

Not sure about the #snow, I personally love it but I got #feedback on another piece that it makes it the composition very restless, which I totally see.

Snow or no snow, what do you think?


#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtWithOpenSource #Inkscape #ArtistsOnMastodon #fantasy #fairytale #winter #selkie #scotland #edinburgh