3D-Lofi-Girl WIP

WIP of a cellshaded 3d-scene homage of the famous lo-fo girl illustration: a person is studying in a cosy room at night.

Hello Fedifriends! 😺

I’m testing non-realistic, more painterly shading in #Blender (= #cellshading, thanks Kevendram for the tutorials), decided to do homage on #lofigirl.

I’m not really happy with it, especially the lighting / shadow are a mess.

What do you think? Should I continue or try a more normal approach to shading / lighting?

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #CreativeToots #ArtWithOpenSource #Blender #Blender3d #music #3d #3dArt #wip #WorkInProgress #sketch

Avocados gegen Hass 💫

Illustration of (half) an avocado character on light pink background that is kicking a swastika to bits. Above it a 3d-text says „Avocados gegen Hass” (Avocados against hate).

Always wondered why it’s called „Hass Avocado“ (Hass meaning „hate“ in German, so „Medium Hate Avocado“ 🤔)* and since the whole western world seems to be turning fascist I decided Hass Avocados are actually not ok with all this bs.

Be like the Hass Avocado and stand up against hate!*

* I since learned that the surname of American who cultivated that variety of avocado was Hass:


#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #Inkscape #typography #design #avocado #NoAfd #AfdVerbot #Antifa #NoNazis #AntifaSticker #NieWiederIstJetzt #antifaschismus #FckAfd

Return the Wolf WIP

Vector illustration of a European landscape with a river, forests, a village, a stone circle, sheep, a lake etc. There's a howling wolf in the centre of the picture and three lakes form kind of a nose and two eyes in the landscape.

Hello ^__^ here’s a detail of a piece I’m working on. Just like with another one I’m finishing atm, I’m struggling with colours a lot. This one is kind of an experiment with doing outlines on a vector illustration, not sure if I like it but it’s a new thing!

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtWithOpenSource #ArtistsOnMastodon #Inkscape #Vector #WIP #wolf #landscape #map #forest #nature #animals #environment #Scotland #PublicTransport #train

UtopiaStill @38C3

Screenshot of Utopia Still, showing a hijabi skater frozen in time as they jump over a cat running across the street.

Here’s one my favourite moments from my 3d diorama „Utopia Still“ that was exhibited along with so many other cool projects at #38C3:


It was my first time at the congress and it was such a blast! Thanks to @callforstories(at)chaos.social and all the artists 🥰

Check out the entry for Utopia Still in my portfolio for more information, pictures and videos of the project.

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtWithOpenSource #3d #blender3d #godot #GodotEngine #Utopie #Utopia #AutoKorrektur #CarFree #hijabi #skater #skating #cat #cats #caturday

ArtVsArtist 2024

A square image divided into nine tiles, the centre tile is a photo of me drinking (a hipster) coffee, the tiles around it show the art I've done (= finished or posted) in 2024, with only slightly cheating. The images are mostly yellow / orange or blue in colour, only one is pink.

Hello! 💖 Hope you’re having a good start to 2025, Fediverse!

I had a lot of fun with #ArtVsArtist last year so let’s do it again (even though I’m even more hesitant to put my face on the internet with the ongoing #AIApocalypse then I am for privacy reasons anyway).

It feel like if been doing even less art then in 2023 and it’s somehow also less pink, something I need to change in 2025 ^__^

#ArtVsArtist2024 #JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots

Wild Fired Art Market was really good!

Photo of a table with a white tablecloth inside a shop. There are lots of my stickers, postcards and prints on the table. Beside the table stands a tiny dog in a raincoat.
Me sitting behind the table (wearing a mask) while a listening to a person in front of the table talking and gesturing.

Had a really nice time last weekend at the winter market from Wild Fired Pottery!

Thanks so much to Maya, Stephen and the rest of the team as well as my fellow artisans and the visitors who braved the rather terrible Scottish weather! ^__^

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtWithOpenSource #ArtistsOnMastodon #dogs #doggo #print #artprints #postcard #giclee #sticker #edinburgh #scotland #pottery #market #abbeyhil #CovidIsNotOver #local

Wild Fired Art Market ❄️

Illustration of a fox and hedgehog having a winter picnic on a snowy peak. Warrior squirrel needs some sleep but it looks like mountain ghost is going to join!
Poster from the Wild Fired Market with text and swirly lines and dots with circles around them on a blue and yellow gradient background. The text is the date, time location and I mention in the post.
My stall from Colony of Artist which will be similar for this market, lots of postcards and stickers as well as (not pictured here) prints and book), all very brightly coloured.

Lovely Edinburgh folk! 💖 I’ll be at the „Wild Fired Winter Market“ this Saturday, Dec 7, 10 – 4 pm, 16 Montrose Terrace here in Abbeyhill, Edinburgh!

If you’re up for a small art and pottery market this might be just your thing ^__^

There’s also TAGS (Tabletop & Graphic Storytelling) Festival ( https://www.fruitmarket.co.uk/event/tags-fest/ on Saturday only twenty minutes walk away in the Fruitmarket, which also hosts the Winter Makers Market on Saturday as well as the Edinburgh Creative Trail: https://www.edinburghopenworkshop.co.uk/news/2024/10/28/leith-creative-trail-2024/ if you’re up for more arty things on that weekend 🎉 #edinburgh #art #creative #gifts #events

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtistsOnMastodon #BuyIntoArt #FediGiftShop #GiftIdeas #ShopLocal #ArtForSale #print #artprints #postcard #giclee #sticker #comics #ChildrensBooks #pottery #edinburgh #scotland #events


An illustration of a Magic – The Gathering style trading card showing an island at night saying „Temporary Respite > Birch Cove – Fantastic Landscape: It can be a cruel world out there, so stay a while, look at some pretty art, recharge and then go on changing it for the better.“ The card is surrounded by flowers and grass, a butterfly, a ladybug, a cup of coffee, drawing utensils as well as a small plate with nuts, chocolate and raspberries on it.

Hi! Remember #FediCard? I decided to make an illustration around one, way after it was cool and then kinda lost steam … But since it’s theme seems to only getting more relevant I decided to post it anyway in all it’s unfinished glory ^__^

I’ve long struggled with my art not being deep or political enough and while I do see a worth in giving people the chance of not thinking about terrible events for a second it still feels not enough …

Emoji by #OpenMoji

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtWithOpenSource #ArtistsOnMastodon #Inkscape #coffee #relax #nature #flowers #holiday #chocolate #nuts #island #night #moon #drawing #butterfly #ladybug #diablo

The Fox of Friendship now in my shop!

Cover of the English version of Fox of Friendship, showing the main character, the white fox as well as a fire elemental floating above a city at night.
A double spread showing the main character, Ara outside of their home as well as a page with a homeless person sleeping at the foot of a statue of a water buffalo.
A close-up of a page where Ara and Nin sneak by the Parliament of Owls.

Hello ^__^ This week it was time for my children’s book „Ara & the Fox of Friendship“ to move from my Kofi to my own webshop:

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtistsOnMastodon #BuyIntoArt #GiftIdeas #ShopLocal #ArtForSale #ChildrensBooks #Kofi #buch #kinderbuch #reading #lesen #shop #FediGiftShop #fantasy #fox #animals #children #SelfPublishing

„The Shadow“ now in my shop ✨

A photo of the printed English and German editions, the cover showing the two main characters in front of a city in a valley. They're standing (on the shore?) of a lake. There's a shadowy creature instead of the reflection of one of the main characters in the water.
First page of the comic opening with a a view of a landscape with a river and a mountain cutting to the two main characters climbing that mountain.
Second page: they've reached the cliff-top and can see the next mountain with a canyon that is guarded by gigantic but cute stone figures of a bat and a bird. It's the entrance to the ancient city of witches!

Hi! I started (veeery slowly) moving stuff from my Ko-fi to my own shop. First up is my short comic „The Shadow“, with its English and German digital and printed versions:

Still not sure if I’m really supposed to make „products“ for all the versions and then a „grouped product“ to catch them all, while the single products clutter up all places like:


I feel like there should be a better way, but it doesn’t seem to work with „variants“ (which seems to be for doing all possible variants of e.g. three sizes and colours for a t-shirt). If anyone knows their way around in #Woocommerce please chime in. #Wordpress #shop #webshop #ecommerce

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtistsOnMastodon #BuyIntoArt #FediGiftShop #GiftIdeas #ShopLocal #ArtForSale #Scribus #comics #comic #ebook #fantasy #fox #selfpublishing #buch #lesen