3D-Lofi-Girl WIP

WIP of a cellshaded 3d-scene homage of the famous lo-fo girl illustration: a person is studying in a cosy room at night.

Hello Fedifriends! 😺

I’m testing non-realistic, more painterly shading in #Blender (= #cellshading, thanks Kevendram for the tutorials), decided to do homage on #lofigirl.

I’m not really happy with it, especially the lighting / shadow are a mess.

What do you think? Should I continue or try a more normal approach to shading / lighting?

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #CreativeToots #ArtWithOpenSource #Blender #Blender3d #music #3d #3dArt #wip #WorkInProgress #sketch

#PortfolioDay 10/2024

Illustration of a traditional Scottish cottage on a flowering meadow (Machair), surrounded by the sea. It's a beautiful day, there's sheep and birds and mountains in the background.
Round illustration on a pink background with a boombox-character dancing happily on a broken swastika. Text around it says „Love music, fight fascism“.
Abstract model of a solar system on a pink / salmon coloured floor, rendered with Blender3D. A big glowing orb in the centre, with copper circles (orbits) around it. More spheres on the circles (planets) with copper rings (orbits) and smaller spheres (moons) around the centre. They're all made of „natural“ materials, like glass, wood, fabric, copper etc.
Photo of a square flyer and business cards for a client of mine, Airstructures. They do inflatable domes, that can be used for fulldome projection and can also be illuminated from the outside, so their corporate identity is very dark with a bit of colour.

Hello #PortfolioDay! ✨

I’m a German #creative person, living in #Edinburgh and #Lübeck. I’ve been sneakily changing to only using #OpenSource (#Inkscape #Krita #Scribus #Blender etc.) tools and so far no one has complained ^__^

Aside from #illustration and #GraphicDesign I’ve also been doing a lot of #3D / #fulldome work, which is a good mix!

I love #nature and #science (especially #astronomy 🤩), progressive #fantasy, #folktales and everything nerdy. #FightFascism!

JfmlArt #art #MastoArt


Screenshot of a very low-loly 3d street scene, looking out onto the water, there is lots of greenery, trees and seating, as well as a kid jumping into a fountain and a crow frozen in mid-air.

I know it’s not #ScreenshotSaturday but here’s one from my #utopian 3d diorama #UtopiaStill I’m working on for @chaos_fl(at)chaos.social anyway ^__^

Working with #Godot has been a blast so far, handling #Blender files is a breeze!

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtWithOpenSource #ArtistsOnMastodon #GameDev #Game #blender3d #3d #utopia #future #positive #utopie #autokorrektur #screenshot #GodotEngine #IndieGame #VideoGames #LowPoly #ClimateCrisis

Utopia Still-Character

The same very low-poly 3d- character twice, once completely vertice-coloured on the left and uv-unwrapped and painted on the left. They're in a kinda awkward A-pose (a variant of the T-pose), wearing a pink trousers and white shirt.
Same scene but the character is viewed more from the side and not straight on.
The same character making a superhero pose with one hand pointing upward like flying through the air.

I’m working on a utopian street scene #diorama for @callforstories(at)chaos.social atm and since I have a bad case of „I need to to EVERYTHING myself“ I’m working on the characters atm. Debating if I should go only vertex colors (left) or „hand-painted“ (right) which is more work (uv-unwrapping 😩) but easier to add small details.

What do you think?

Pretty sure I’m not gonna rig them, though that is another https://xkcd.com/1205/ +__+

#JfmlArt #art #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtWithOpenSource #ArtistsOnMastodon #CharacterDesign #character #blender #blender3d #godot #LowPoly

Solar System

Abstract model of a solar system on a pink / salmon coloured floor, rendered with Blender3D. A big glowing orb in the centre, with copper circles (orbits) around it. More spheres on the circles (planets) with copper rings (orbits) and smaller spheres (moons) around the center. They're all made of „natural“ materials, like glass, wood, fabric, copper etc.
Portrait variant of the same motif but with a smaller sun and three blue glass half-spheres arranged around the sun, protecting it?
Another variant with green sphere cuts shielding the sun, wrapping around it from above instead of the sides like the last variant.
Last variant, again with blue glass, this time they kind of look like an abstract blossom or leaves, enclosing the sun?

Hi! ^__^

Which variant do you like best? Anything I could change / do better?

I found out recently the @kde(at)floss.social is doing a #wallpaper #contest for #plasma6!

Themes are:

  • Trustworthy […]
  • „A reflection of me“ (i.e. personalized, familiar, comfortable, „fits like a glove“)
  • Personal growth […]

What my #subconscious (?) has come up with is kind of a #solarsystem #model? Weird!

@kde(at)floss.social I’m also kinda getting #DysonSphere(1) #SciFi vibes from this which I like ^__^

(1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyson_sphere

FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #blender #blender3d #b3d #planets #abstract