Door to Summer

Sketch in blue on white of a mountain lake with a tiny island in the middle. There's a giant crystal hovering above it and in one of it's sides you can see another landscape with flowers.

Let’s continue with the #winter theme ^ _ ^

I wanted to try #manga style grey-toning and it is a lot of fun (but as I feared it’s a nightmare to export for Web / as a JPG).

#JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #Krita #ArtWithOpenSource #sketch #BlackAndWhite #landscape #snow #crystal #fantasy #lake #birds #ArtAdventCalendar

„Fixing“(?) Duplicati MissingRemoteHash error

I recently got a few errors like this:

2023-11-30 23:46:34 +00 - [Warning-Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.FilelistProcessor-MissingRemoteHash]: remote file duplicati-[stringofnumbersandletters] is listed as Verified with size 0 but should be 52383505, please verify the sha256 hash "[anotherstringofnumbersandletters]"

rebuild-missing-dblock-files and no-local-blocks (saw that on the Duplicati forum) didn’t work, so I copied the files Duplicati was complaining about somewhere else and deleted the originals.

I then deleted and recreated the database via the Web-GUI (got errors that said files where missing and registered as such 😱), ran backup again, no warnings or errors, anymore. Profit?

There’s a lingering doubt that the files are just gone and not recreated but at least there are no more errors +__+

Inprnt prints

Another photo of a print with a whole lotta birds in front of a landscape.
A photo, this motif is a room with a cluttered desk in front of a window opening out to a fantastical landscape with dragons and giants.
Photo of a print lying on a carpet. The illustration is of a person flying on a giant bird to a castle on top of a mountain that's guarded by a white wolf.

The new test #prints I ordered from #Inprnt arrived super fast! 🎉

And just like last time they’re just tooo good! ✨

#Redbubbe or #Society6 don’t come even close to it +__+ My photos don’t do the vibrant colours and deep blacks justice at all, they’re so amazing! I can’t get over it ^__^

I didn’t have to pay custom fees this time, which is interesting. I don’t know if this is down to just luck or the fact that last time they arrived in a tube and this time in a flat (big) letter. The packaging was excellent as well, quite sturdy and well made.

Get prints here:

EDIT: Ordered some more for my family, I had to pay customs (Germany not UK?) this time (7€ on a 100€ order) but the prints are just mind-blowing again! Aaahhh, if only we had something like this in Europe that does not get flown in from the US! 😭 There has to be something, right?

How to fix hyphenation not working for Scribus on Fedora Linux

I just found out how to fix #hyphenation not working in #Scribus on #Fedora (probably for #languages that aren’t system language):

Check that the text frame (Windows > Content Properties), character and paragraph styles (Edit > Styles, maybe you need to double click on a style to edit) are all the correct language (in my case German on an English system).

If Extras > Hyphenate Text still isn’t working, go to Windows > Resources > Hyphenation Dictionaries and check that you have the correct .dics installed (for me it was only English) and download the appropriate ones if necessary. You can also see the path where they are installed on the system here, so you could manually move a .dic there if you manage to find one.

Tadaa 🎉

EDIT: Writing this down has already helped my once, amazing! You might need to restart Scribus after all these steps before it starts working, at least that’s how it was for me just now.

Pumpkin Cat Wendy

Illustration of a cat sitting on a carved pumpkin that is flying through the air, with a full moon and clouds in the background. The pumpkin has vampire teeth and tiny Will-o'-the-wisps in it's eyes.

You’ve heard of Skate Cat Wendy* now get ready for:

Pumpkin Cat Wendy! 🎃 🐈‍⬛ 🌕

This came from of the many pun-laden back-and-forths between my partner and me but this time it actually turned into something ^__^

You can buy it on my #Inprnt ✨:

Happy #halloween!

#FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #cat #mastoween #cute #adorable #spooky #moon #krita


Solar System

Abstract model of a solar system on a pink / salmon coloured floor, rendered with Blender3D. A big glowing orb in the centre, with copper circles (orbits) around it. More spheres on the circles (planets) with copper rings (orbits) and smaller spheres (moons) around the center. They're all made of „natural“ materials, like glass, wood, fabric, copper etc.
Portrait variant of the same motif but with a smaller sun and three blue glass half-spheres arranged around the sun, protecting it?
Another variant with green sphere cuts shielding the sun, wrapping around it from above instead of the sides like the last variant.
Last variant, again with blue glass, this time they kind of look like an abstract blossom or leaves, enclosing the sun?

Hi! ^__^

Which variant do you like best? Anything I could change / do better?

I found out recently the is doing a #wallpaper #contest for #plasma6!

Themes are:

  • Trustworthy […]
  • „A reflection of me“ (i.e. personalized, familiar, comfortable, „fits like a glove“)
  • Personal growth […]

What my #subconscious (?) has come up with is kind of a #solarsystem #model? Weird! I’m also kinda getting #DysonSphere(1) #SciFi vibes from this which I like ^__^


FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #blender #blender3d #b3d #planets #abstract


A vector illustration of a landscape stuffed with (European) birds, there's probably 25 of them including crow, blue tit, jackdaw, seagull, owl and many more.
Detail of the illustration featuring a jay, a robin and a swan (and a house in the landscape).
Another detail with a swift, a crow and a kingfisher, all flying in the sky with clouds in the background.

So many #birds! 🐦‍⬛🦉🦢🦅🪿 Who is your favourite?

Started this project over a year ago as a birthday present (it’s a #jigsaw #puzzle! I didn’t take any photos when we did it 🤦‍♀️) and now it’s finally here!

Testing out #Society6 as an #printer with this one (and #CutePlanets), check it out:

Greeting Cards!

Photo of three square greeting cards with birds on them, on a wooden floor.
More close-up photo of the cards, the birds are a jackdaw, a blue tit and a robin.

They’re here! 🥰✨

I’ll be selling #GreetingCards printed at at this year’s #ColonyOfArtists!

And they’re #beautiful! Printed on #recycled paper, with #EcoKraft envelopes and #compostable wrappers (just like my #prints).

Come round the #weekend after next in #Edinburgh’s #Abbeyhill to have a look ^__^


An illustration of five people, all rather fat, old and/or bulky, done in (digital) ink with blue shade.

Hallo ^ _ ^ Instead of bringing you something #ColonyOfArtists-related (which is in less then a month in #Edinburgh, #Scotland!) …

Here are a few sketches of older women main characters. Some day I want to do a #ChildrensBook or #Comic about an #old #adventurer who has lived #TheQuietLife for a few decades and goes on another #quest. Mh, that sounds like a #TerryPratchett #novel doesn’t it?


Reprints of some of my #postcards hot of the presses, yay! ✨

I’ll be selling them (along with #prints, #stickers etc) here in #Edinburgh on #Colobee (aka #ColonyOfArtists) in September but I’m also thinking of putting them on my #Kofi

Would you rather want to buy postcards in packs or individual? What would be a good pack-size?


Vector illustration of a tiny bluetit with a meadow, clouds and mountains in the background. It is very cute.

Look at this super cute #bluetit! Just look at it, it’s just too cute ^__^

JfmlArt #art #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #vector #landscape #abstract #nature #animals #Inkscape #cute #adorable #birb #bird #birds #birding #birdart

Cute Planets: Earth!

A vector illustration of the earth (and the moon!) saying „Pls take good care of me.“

Finally! 🪐 Here’s a new entry in my #CutePlanet series! And befitting the new wave of #FridaysForFuture protests it’s our #home #planet with an important #psa. So next time you just drop your rubbish into #nature, take your SUV to drive to the bakery or vote for the party that doesn’t care about the #environment: Maybe just don’t! Cute Earth says thank you ^__^

Viking & the Fox Princess is on sale!

Illustration of a Viking person standing on a red sphere (with tiny fishes swimming towards it!). They have a red fox on their shoulders.
Photo of a print of the same illustration packaged in a compostable wrapper.

Get 30% off this adorkable #giclee #print with code GINGERFOX until this Friday! 🥳

I’m debating moving my prints from #etsy to #kofi without a good reason (aside from disliking Etsy because it’s big and bad?) and this is kinda a test run.

Do you like/dislike Etsy? What do you use yourself or like more (or less)?

Cute Planets: Mercury

A vector illustration of mercury looking hot but also happy at the same time saying „I got the craters.“

Hi! What’s the coolest thing about #tiny, inconspicuous #Mercury? That they’re #HeavyMetal (70% iron)? Got most craters? Traveling fastest? Something else?

This is the second #planet for my #CutePlanets #poster ^__^

#space #astronomy #cute #inkscape #vector #solarsystem #science #design #typography