Cute Planets: Earth!

A vector illustration of the earth (and the moon!) saying „Pls take good care of me.“

Finally! 🪐 Here’s a new entry in my #CutePlanet series! And befitting the new wave of #FridaysForFuture protests it’s our #home #planet with an important #psa. So next time you just drop your rubbish into #nature, take your SUV to drive to the bakery or vote for the party that doesn’t care about the #environment: Maybe just don’t! Cute Earth says thank you ^__^

Viking & the Fox Princess is on sale!

Illustration of a Viking person standing on a red sphere (with tiny fishes swimming towards it!). They have a red fox on their shoulders.
Photo of a print of the same illustration packaged in a compostable wrapper.

Get 30% off this adorkable #giclee #print with code GINGERFOX until this Friday! 🥳

I’m debating moving my prints from #etsy to #kofi without a good reason (aside from disliking Etsy because it’s big and bad?) and this is kinda a test run.

Do you like/dislike Etsy? What do you use yourself or like more (or less)?

Cute Planets: Mercury

A vector illustration of mercury looking hot but also happy at the same time saying „I got the craters.“

Hi! What’s the coolest thing about #tiny, inconspicuous #Mercury? That they’re #HeavyMetal (70% iron)? Got most craters? Traveling fastest? Something else?

This is the second #planet for my #CutePlanets #poster ^__^

#space #astronomy #cute #inkscape #vector #solarsystem #science #design #typography

Bridge of the Nautilus

This is one of the pieces I like a lot more looking back at it now. It’s weird when that happens but I guess it’s cause you let go of / forget about all the little things that didn’t work out the way you wanted when some time has passed?

Anyway, it’s a #sketch for the #3D model I did for the bridge of the #Nautilus a while back. Nice colours ^__^

Hey Society6,

do you know what’s a bit weird? When I click on a product picture to embiggen it (the curser turns into a magnifying glass with a +-symbol) and the new pic that pops up is literally 50px smaller (550px turns into 500px):



Measurements made with PixelStick, T-shirt pictured is for upcoming RPG Moonhunters by Kitfox.

UPDATE: Got a mail from Society 6 and it was a bit cryptic but I think this is so t-short motives can’t be copyright infriged because of low-res? Pretty sad (but somewhat understandable).


Race in Japan.

Agents of the Realm ist ein supercooler Magical Girl Webcomic, wunderbar divers und queer. Extrapunkte dafür, das eine der Hauptpersonen im Comic sichtbare Armbehaarung hat ♥ ‿ ♥

Kurze Übersicht zu Geschlecht in verschiedenen menschlichen Kulturen.  (Via diesem wieder sehr lesenswerten Artikel)

Gewächhäuser unter Wasser.

Auch fiktive Charaktere aus dem Hello Kitty-Umfeld sind nicht for Twitter-Hasstiraden sicher. It’s a sick, sad world, wie Kotzendes Einhorn sagt.

Ha, das muss aber auch doof sein, sein Geld in einer Technologie zu haben, deren Zeit vorbei ist.

Viele Disney-Bösewichter haben queere Eigenschaften/Aussehen und prägen dadurch schon bei Kindern Vorurteile gegen nicht genderkonforme Menschen.

I don’t know how I got the notion that Bend it Like Beckham should be a queer movie (maybe I confuse it with Nina’s Heavenly Delights? That would be embarrassing), but every time I rewatch it I’m furious that it indeed does not end like this.



The Period Fairy! ♥ ‿ ♥

OMG, eine Suchmaschine für Diversität in Fantasy-Literatur! (Via)

Der Himmel is garnicht blau.

„Männertag ist für mich also leider ein Sammelbecken ekliger Angewohnheiten, die durch gesellschaftliche Strukturen als in Ordnung gelten.“ Word.

Color me unsurprised: Auch Spirou and Fantasio ist schön voll von rassistischer Kackscheiße. Genau wie Asterix und Tintin halt. (Via)

Einen Schritt vorwärts, zwei zurück: Sieht so aus als ob Disney einen einen Prinzessinnen-Film mit einem weißen Mädchen im Sudan macht. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Wanna see lotsa beardy dudebros in a sausagefest documentary about that ultraviolent game Hotline Miami? Yeah, me neither.

Auch die Special OVAs zu Noragami sind gruselige Scheiße. Ich war’ da irgendwie verwöhnt von Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun (← ganz große Spitzenklasse).

Abkürzungen, die meist wie Wörter ausgesprochen werden dürfen ohne Großbuchstaben und Punkte geschrieben werden (z. B. Laser, Benelux und Lol) im Gegensatz zu Abkürzungen, wo die einzelnen Buchstaben gesprochen werden, z. B. z. B., USA etc. (Via)

So, Jupitar Ascending was pretty disappointing … Die Story war nicht halb so abgedreht wie ich dank solcher Berichte erwartet hatte, insgesamt ist das halt wieder 90% „Damsel in Distress muss gerettet werden und stolpert durch die Handlung“. Die Raumschiffe und generell die Ausstattung ist auf jeden Fall das Beste am Film, zusammen mit Diomika Tsing. (die Dame mit der männlichen Hauptperson austauschen = Instant Win). Hatte aus irgendwelchen Gründen mehr von den Wachowskies erwartet (warum auch immer).

Mad Max Fury Road (dat title …) is SJW feminist propaganda according to MRAs.

Zu Sappho gibt’s auch eine Doku von der BBC mit Prof. Margaret Mountford. Das wurde in der zweiten Hälfte irgendwie etwas fade aber insgesamt sehr gut.

Ali von Trollbar war mal wieder in Leipzig und es war wieder gruselig.

Review: Young Detective Dee: Rise of the Sea Dragon

A wuxia version of Sherlock Holmes* could be over the top awesome but Dee only deducts/lipreads a few things here and there and the rest of the movie is pretty standard fantasy fare with the addition of also being sexist as hell: there are two women, one is a walking damsel in distress and the other one is the empress who’s only function seems to be to threaten our heroes with beheading (she’s more or less a very boring version of Alice in Wonderland’s Queen of Hearts) to make things more interesting (I guess? It doesn’t work, though).

I’m not sure if this movie even passes the Bechdel test since the one time these two women talk it’s about how Dee needs to be the Hero™ to save poor damsel otherwise → beheading. Yeah, it’s pretty shite and cringeworthy (the scene is also completly pointless).

I’d say instead of watching this go for Painted Skin / Painted Skin 2** which are not without their own problems but it least have female characters and some of them can kick ass (though they mysteriously tend to get wounded and need saving when men are around …). Also these movies have a story that goes beyond „evil foreigners attack us by truly ridiculous means“.

Btw, I think this would have been much cooler if Dee was just the brain and someone else – a woman, obviously – would be the muscle. That way it would feel less redundant, now there’s Dee who is smart and can fight and that police guy who’s not smart and can fight and the young doctor who’s not smart and can’t fight. Pretty pointless bromance.

* I somehow totally missed that this is what Dee is supposed to be in the also very mediocre but still better (as far as I remember) first movie.
** Or of course Duelist.